Post by UbiquitousI had to make a double-take when I heard a promo for the upcoming
Ted Kennedy TV movie which warned of adult situation, language, and
"historical smoking".
Wait, what?
Well, you see, back in the Dark Ages (the first several decades of the
20th century and several centuries before then), it was actually
"normal" for many people in all walks of life to smoke cigarettes, pipes
or even cigars on occasion. But gradually it became clearer and clearer
that smoking wasn't actually as good for you as some of the advertising
had been claiming so it was made harder and harder to smoke anywhere.
This accounts for why some younger people may not be quite sure what
smoking actually *is* or confuse it with consumption of marijuana or
other "nefarious combustibles".
Now, of course, we now know that tobacco is EVIL but lest people jump to
the conclusion that all *smokers* were also evil, we have to suppress
the act of smoking from all video depictions made after we became
enlightened about the pernicious effects of tobacco. However, sometimes
historical accuracy *demands* that smoking be depicted as it actually
occurred in those days. In those rare cases, it becomes essential to
provide trigger warnings so that no one thinks smoking is actually being
encouraged: the smoking is only there to make the program look realistic.
Therefore, if the movie shows Teddy Kennedy or Mary Jo Kopechne smoking,
people should NOT deduce that they are evil simply because they smoked.
However, everyone should feel free to consider Teddy evil if he actually
evaded responsibility for the incident that killed Kopechne as so many
people believe.