On Wed, 7 Jan 2015 15:04:15 -0800 (PST), Bruce Watson
Post by Bruce Watsonhttp://yesmoke.eu/blog/big-tobacco-cigarette-advertising/
Antis beat dead horses then deceive us into thinking abuses are still taking place when they say, "Big Tobacco companies spend $ 8 billion a year on advertising, promotions and sponsorships in America and Europe." In reality, over 90% of that $8 billion goes to price
discounts ("promotions"), not advertising.
Once again, antis are lying.
Once again, the Merchants of Death have you right where they want you.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Antis like it
that way. They are threatened by vaping as much as Big Tobacco is. If
tobacco went away, professional antis like Stanton Glantz would have
to get productive jobs. But they are not qualified to do anything
except lie about smoking. That's WHY antis are trying to kill vaping.
It threatens their livelihood.