The One, Key Difference between American "Patriots" and Sandra Bland mentally ill black democrat pawn.
(too old to reply)
2015-07-24 22:22:41 UTC
In article <8c08e869-470e-44ab-8944-
*The One, Key Difference between American “Patriots” and Sandra Bland*
by Meredith Bennett-Smith
Huly 24, 2015
On July 10, a young woman named Sandra Bland was pulled over on a Texas roadway by trooper Brian Encinia. Encinia accused Bland of allegedly failing to signal correctly when changing lanes, a minor traffic offense. The confrontation quickly escalated, beginning when Encinia asked Bland to put out her cigarette -- which she was not lawfully required to do
The cigarette could be used as a force amplifying weapon. The
cop was within his rights to tell the mentally ill black
democrat pawn to put it out.

Smoking is bad for you anyway.
2015-08-04 01:22:32 UTC
*The One, Key Difference between American "Patriots" and Sandra Bland*
by Meredith Bennett-Smith
This woman changed lanes to let a cop pass her, and the cop wants to give her a ticket for not signaling a lane change.

And that makes her a "democrat pawn"? REALLY?
